Temerin Alexey. Photography. Scene 6 "Movements are normal, itching". Scene 6 "Movements are normal, itching". The Professor - Nikolay Sibiryak, doctors: F. Bondarenko, N. Poplavsky, A. Zaykov, A. Martynov, N. Kustov, Prisypkin - I. Ilyinsky. Moscow, Meyerhold State Theatre (GosTIM). "The Bedbug" ("Klop"). 1929
Temerin Alexey. Photography. Scene 6 "Movements are normal, itching". Scene 6 "Movements are normal, itching". The Professor - Nikolay Sibiryak, doctors: F. Bondarenko, N. Poplavsky, A. Zaykov, A. Martynov, N. Kustov, Prisypkin - I. Ilyinsky. Moscow, Meyerhold State Theatre (GosTIM). "The Bedbug" ("Klop"). 1929
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