Gogol Nikolai. 1809-1852
Gogol Nikolai. 1809-1852
The literary works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol are familiar to the Russian reader since childhood, since school days: “Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”, “Petersburg Stories”, “The Government Inspector”, “Dead Souls”... The topicality of all the above-mentioned and many other Gogol’s texts can be explained, among other things, by the fact that they have not only an artistic, but also a strong social impact, affecting both the most essential social phenomena and eternal ethical and philosophical issues. Prose and drama of Nikolai Gogol, with their terrifying phantasmagoria, gibes and satire, have resonated readers’ hearts and minds of different generations for the past two centuries. Over and over again, readers discover something new in his books. In addition, Gogol's works are adapted into films and theatrical performances, offering a contemporary interpretation of his works. Theatre played a special role in Gogol's life. Despite his passion for amateur theatrical acting, the future famous writer was never able to fulfill himself in the field of professional acting. However, his success as a playwright was remarkable. There are many items related to famous performances of Gogol's plays in the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum Online Collection. Among them, for example, “The Government Inspector” staged by Konstantin Stanislavsky in 1908 and another one by Vsevolod Meyerhold in 1926, as well as performances by The Imperial Maly Theatre and Alexandrinsky Theatre, Russian Drama Korsh Theater, well-known Soviet interpretations of Moscow Academic Satire Theatre, Moscow Sovremennik Theatre, as well as modern theatrical performances.